Thursday, June 16, 2016

Spirit Day Reminder

Tomorrow, Friday, June 17th is Spirit Day. Please make sure your child wears purple to school! Unless your child has already ordered a bag lunch, they must bring their lunch to school.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Field Day Reminder!

Hello Families!

Please do not forget that tomorrow, June 14th is Spirit Day. Our track and field meet is from 12:30 pm-2:30 pm on the field near the back parking lot at Village Elementary. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on our teams at the meet! Lunch will be served just as on a normal day of school. Make sure your child comes to school wearing the appropriate colors:

Augustine: Red, White & Blue
Wallace: Red & Black

Thank you!

Miss Augustine

Friday, June 10, 2016

Welcome Miss Doane!

In case you did not receive the introduction letter from Miss Doane, please see below:

To the Families of Mrs. Wallace’s & Miss Augustine's Sixth Grade Students:

Hello! My name is Anna Doane and I will be replacing Mrs. Wallace for the remainder of the school year. I am so excited to finish the end of this school year with your children. I have worked in a number of classrooms here in the Hilton Central School District as a teacher, so I hopefully will be a familiar face for most of the students. I live in the Rochester Area and I am finishing my Master’s Degree in Literacy Education at Nazareth College.

Over this year I have grown incredibly fond of the Hilton Central School District. I truly feel as though I have been welcomed into this district whole-heartedly and I am honored to have been chosen to teach in this classroom for the rest of the year. Mrs. Wallace has worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition as she leaves to have her baby, and I am very confident it will be a success. She speaks so highly of your children, so I know I can expect the best from them. I am looking forward to making lasting memories with them as they finish their time here at Village Elementary!

If you have any questions for me now, or at any time within the next few weeks, please feel free to email me at Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and support during this time!


Anna Doane   

Friday, June 3, 2016

Aspartame Information

Check out this website made by two of our students for their It Takes A Village Project:

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

Please see the letter below around our Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!

Dear Parent,

Did you know that when kids read over the summer they are likely to leap ahead when they head back to school? It’s called the “Summer Leap,” and our school has made it a priority to keep our students’ skills sharp by encouraging them to read all summer long.
Our class has signed up to participate in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge, a free online reading program that invites children to log their reading minutes all summer. The goal is for the students in our school to read the most minutes possible in an effort to win “Best in State” recognition and a mention in the Scholastic Book of World Records. With your help, we can do it. We can WIN!

The fun begins on May 9, 2016, and ends on September 9, 2016!

I invite you to learn more about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge at

If your child forgot his or her summer reading username, please contact:
Cheryl Pellechia

Have a wonderful summer!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Picture Forms

Spring picture order forms are due on Tuesday, April 19th! There may be a late fee for any forms turned in after this date.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

NYS State Testing Changes

The New York State ELA and Math Tests are quickly approaching! They will be held on the following dates:

ELA: Tuesday, April 5th-Thursday, April 7th
Math: Wednesday, April 13th-Friday, April 15th

Please see the attached document which outlines this year's changes including unlimited time for students to complete the tests.

Changes to the 2016 Grade 3-8 Assessments: What Parents Need to Know-- 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

6th Grade Parent Night!

Where: Merton Williams Middle School
When: Wednesday, March 9th, 2016
Time: 6:30 pm-8 pm

*Learn about curriculum, assessments, expectations and teaming
*Meet some staff members

Monday, February 22, 2016

This letter about our Darien Lake field trip was on the back of our weekly news before break. A purple copy is also being sent home today!

Dear Families,
Your child deserves to be celebrated. The educational journey that they have been on as students at Village has demanded them to be internationally-minded, reflective, and responsible learners. Aside from that, they “made” it! The end is in sight, and with that comes our annual trip to Darien Lake. This year’s trip is set to take place on Monday June 20, 2016.
With this comes the expectation that all students have EARNED the trip. Please refer to the chart below to see specific criteria that we use to determine if your child is eligible to go.
What do I need to do to go to Darien Lake with my classmates?
ü  You need to have earned 80% of classroom points by being respectful, responsible, and ready to learn! This includes: behavior, homework completion and overall effort.
ü  You need to have less than three referrals to the office.
ü  You need to have performed an act of service to our school such as being a reading buddy, being on student council, being an ambassador of kindness announcer or safety or another act of kindness that has provided a service to our school.

There is no doubt that all students in this class have the tools needed to be successful with the mentioned criteria, so please join us in encouraging their very best until June—they can do this!
We will communicate their progress via weekly news; however, please expect additional communication if needed. As always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The Sixth Grade Team